Όταν ο «αναθεματισμένος» Noam Chomsky υποστηρίζει: “All of this would have been completely intelligible to the founders of classical liberalism, people like Wilhelm von Humboldt, for example, who inspired John Stuart Mill, and who very much like his contemporary Adam Smith regarded creative work freely undertaken in association with others as the core value of a human life. So if a person produces an object on command, Humboldt wrote, we may admire what he did but we will despise what he is, not a true human being who acts on his own impulses and desires. The bought priesthood have the task of undermining these values and destroying them among people who sell themselves on the labour market. For similar reasons, Adam Smith warned that in any civilised society governments would have to intervene to prevent the division of labour from turning people into "creatures as stupid and ignorant as it's possible for a human being to be." He based his rather nuanced advocacy of...
"Ο πολιτισμός είναι η πορεία προς μια κοινωνία ατόμων" ......Ayn Rand